
Sunday, October 3, 2010


So I might have this opportunity to put some of my art in a powerful person's house.  I'm totally psyched that it might actually happen.  Then again the pessimistic part of me says, "there's no way this person is going to let someone else pick out what goes in their house."  It's a long complicated thing to explain, and I'm really not supposed to say who or what it's all about, but still.  I'm excited and the possibility would make a huge difference in my life.  Not just because of having my name in someone like that's house, but because my confidence would grow like in the cartoons.  You know, when the little mouse eats the growing beans and gets huge and strong. 
        I have friends and family that like my stuff, but that kind of thing, even if I only get to put one painting in there, would just make me proud, I could tell my son, my dad could brag, my mom and brothers could brag.  It's just ... awesome. 
        It makes me wish I had actually done something in college. A couple art classes does not an art degree make.  Eh, anyhoo.  I have to go to work in the morning, and it's going to be a nice cold one.  Did I mention I love the cold weather?  Nothing better then cuddling up in warm cloths and putting the munchkin in footy pajamas.  Although pretty soon they aren't going to make them in his size.  He's already in 5 T, and he just turned 3.   My little Hercules.
         Please please please let the famous person decide I can paint something for the house!  I probably won't even be able to brag if they do... oh bummer.  I didn't think of that.  It might not even be true anyways. How the hell does awesome stuff like that happen to people?  Not that I'm complaining. I am complaining. I just am going to be severely disappointed if this is all some concocted story and I'm just some dupe falling for it.  Hopefully not.  But I still have a feeling this famous person has their own designer, and all I'll ever be able to do is tell a good story about how one time, I almost got my paintings in their house.

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