
Monday, October 11, 2010

Stupid internet

i was typing all these brilliant assumptions about dark matter and it's clear defiance of our laws of physics, and the stupid internet frizzed out, and i didn't have a chance to post it.   Eh, it all just represented how ignorant I am of the whole thing anyways.

So I'll just retype the part I can remember.   1/0 x 0/1 = 1.     Infinity multiplied by zero is one.   Nothing from an infinite somethings still exists.  An infinite amount of nothings still exists.  They are just numbers,  representive of some value.   Even a big ol' mass of nothing to which we can not identify has a value.  It exists.   There may be no way to measure nothing,  no way to measure infinite, and no way to identify dark matter (yet), but it exists.

Scientists used to say the Earth was flat, and until they were given proof they were wrong, they had no reason to believe otherwise.   Our planet can not dictate what billions, trillions of other things, other matters, or other energys are.  Just because one tiny spec of water contains H2O doesn't mean a multitude of other things don't exist outside of that. we're just a tiny spec inside the tiny spec that makes up a billion other tiny specs.  Why are our laws absolute? Why does our elemental chart dictate what the universe can be made of?

Eh, I'm just rambling.   I'm not the nobel prize type, but eh I know that someday someone will figure it out.  Just like someone decided to prove the Earth wasn't flat.   Dang it, our world is complicated enough, lets figure this place out before we go trying to identify possibly universe imploding substances.   Although if I win the lotto, my first 300k  will go to taking one of those personal space flights they just showed on T.V.  Live long and prosper!! Trek forever!

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