## Meggamuffins is my name! Eating mushrooms is NOT my game!
#When you run this in terminal, it should show you how the order is written backwards,
# but the computer processes it bottom up.
## ALL props to Zed Shaw and his amazing learning tools. http://learnpythonthehardway.org
class Meggamuffins(object):
def __init__(self, gamedata):
self.gamedata = gamedata
def wingame(self):
print "wingame = self"
print "that is the entire list, if it all printed off, then it worked!"
def endgame(self):
print "endgame = endgame"
def battle(storyline, enemy, hero, level_up, npc):
print "battle = storyline, enemy, hero, level_up, npc"
def level_up(self, hero, inventory, storyline):
print "self, hero, inventory, storyline"
battle(storyline, enemy, hero, level_up, npc)
def enemy_position(self, storyline, areamap, hero):
print "enemy_position = self, storyline, areamap, hero"
level_up(self, hero, inventory, storyline)
def enemy(self, inventory):
print "enemy = self, inventory)"
enemy_position(self, storyline, areamap, hero)
def hero_position(self, storyline, areamap, hero):
print "hero_position = self, storyline, areamap, hero"
enemy(self, inventory)
def hero(self, storyline, areamap, inventory):
print " Hero = self, storyline, areamap, inventory"
hero_position(self, storyline, areamap, hero)
def npc_position(self, storyline, areamap):
print "npc_position = self, storyline, areamap)"
hero(self, storyline, areamap, inventory)
def npc(self, storyline, areamap, inventory):
print "npc = self, storyline, areamap"
npc_position(self, storyline, areamap)
def inventory(self):
print "inventory = self"
npc(self, storyline, areamap, inventory)
def areamap(self, storyline):
print "areamap = self, storyline"
def storyline(self, areamap):
print "storyline"
areamap(self, storyline)
def start(self):
print "start"
storyline(self, areamap)
## I have NO IDEA why we have to rename this object to call it.
## why can't I just type, Meggamuffins.gamedata(object)???
redundantnaming = Meggamuffins(object)
#When you run this in terminal, it should show you how the order is written backwards,
# but the computer processes it bottom up.
## ALL props to Zed Shaw and his amazing learning tools. http://learnpythonthehardway.org
class Meggamuffins(object):
def __init__(self, gamedata):
self.gamedata = gamedata
def wingame(self):
print "wingame = self"
print "that is the entire list, if it all printed off, then it worked!"
def endgame(self):
print "endgame = endgame"
def battle(storyline, enemy, hero, level_up, npc):
print "battle = storyline, enemy, hero, level_up, npc"
def level_up(self, hero, inventory, storyline):
print "self, hero, inventory, storyline"
battle(storyline, enemy, hero, level_up, npc)
def enemy_position(self, storyline, areamap, hero):
print "enemy_position = self, storyline, areamap, hero"
level_up(self, hero, inventory, storyline)
def enemy(self, inventory):
print "enemy = self, inventory)"
enemy_position(self, storyline, areamap, hero)
def hero_position(self, storyline, areamap, hero):
print "hero_position = self, storyline, areamap, hero"
enemy(self, inventory)
def hero(self, storyline, areamap, inventory):
print " Hero = self, storyline, areamap, inventory"
hero_position(self, storyline, areamap, hero)
def npc_position(self, storyline, areamap):
print "npc_position = self, storyline, areamap)"
hero(self, storyline, areamap, inventory)
def npc(self, storyline, areamap, inventory):
print "npc = self, storyline, areamap"
npc_position(self, storyline, areamap)
def inventory(self):
print "inventory = self"
npc(self, storyline, areamap, inventory)
def areamap(self, storyline):
print "areamap = self, storyline"
def storyline(self, areamap):
print "storyline"
areamap(self, storyline)
def start(self):
print "start"
storyline(self, areamap)
## I have NO IDEA why we have to rename this object to call it.
## why can't I just type, Meggamuffins.gamedata(object)???
redundantnaming = Meggamuffins(object)
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