
Saturday, February 8, 2014

I'm thinking about editting my blog so that all that is left are short stories, and ideas.  
The personal stuff, well it is nice to be able to share, even if no one's listening,  but maybe it's better to just keep it to story's, art and stuff like that.  
Haven't decided yet.   Cause honestly the blog is really just an ego booster, and storage device for the stuff in my head that would otherwise leak out and become fodder to the bandits of time. 

Wish everything had an easy button.   Why can't I just see what I want to do... and do it?  It's like everything is some big blurr, and I'm meant to figure it out.
There's a big blurry red thing over there that might be nice to reach for,  but I don't know if it will burn me.
There's a big furry thing over there, that always feels nice to touch, but someday it might grow teeth and bite me.
There's that wierd annoying noise in the corner that never goes away, and I want to investigate getting rid of it, but I don't know if it will turn into an alien monster and attack. 
Outside my house are people... millions, billions, too many to count or comprehend, and each of them is a mystery.  Monster, or normal, Scary or friendly, Hateful or full of love.... I don't know.  They are all a blurry and I don't want to risk it.
Well, that's how I feel tonight anyways.  Let's make an app for it.   An app for anti-gravity,  for traveling to the moon,  for teleportation and invisibility,  or identifying that wierd bowl of horridness in the fridge. 
An app for curing the panic, sad, worrysome parts,  or to boost the happy, wonderful good parts. 
Like the easy button. 
Let's make an app, because my brain just can't compute it.

Off I go. 
I'll decide another day. 

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