
Sunday, October 4, 2009


The two lackadaisical young men sat smoking the eldest boys stolen stash of sweet herbs. They had spent months digging the giant holes, and molding tons of dirt around the small hill. If it worked out the way the village idiot had said, they would have to get the boulders moved before the ground froze.
The two never really talked after spending a day in the crag infested valley. When they finished they lit up and smoked. Neither of their families understood why they brought home very little food after hunting on a three days journey while other boys brought home three or four kills more then them. It didn't bother either of them though.
The eldest boy passed his young pupil the rolled up herbs and laughed as he patted the dust from his legs. "I bet we can get the ox's to pull the boulders into the hills."
The younger boy inhaled deeply, the end of the herbs glowing bright orange even in the mid-day sun. "I bet crazy Ron will help if we ask. He has a couple good ox's."
They smiled at one another.
"Do you think it'll stand very long?" He coughed a little as he exhaled.
"Crazy Ron said we have to peg out some spots to hold em." He too inhaled and tilted his head back. Some sweat still glimmered on his forehead.
"Do you think anyone will ever know it was us?"
He hung his head back down still trying to hold his breath. "They'd never believe it."
"Your right. When we dig these back out in spring, people will hold bonfires and decide the gods made it for them."
They both started laughing at the idea, and couldn't stop. "And.." he snorted back a giggle, "we'll dance with them proclaiming the wonder of the gods, the mystery of it all."

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