
Thursday, January 27, 2011

story idea

Ok, so with my paranoia driving most of my creative thinking, I came up with an idea for a story.   What if my kid is 4 ft tall, 50 lbs, and super strong because they found a way to manipulate the genetics and create a super human?  They decided I would be a good test subject since all they could see on record was my past mental issues and assumed I would lose it again and they could snatch him away easily.  When they realized they wouldn't be able to drive me mad again with thier subversions, they try and steal him away with other alternatives, (haven't thought that far ahead yet)  and blah blah blah.

I think it would make a good story.   The mother fighting for her kid type thing with some of that superhero stuff and conspiracy stuff.    Haven't thought it all the way through yet, but I think it might be fun to write a short story with it.    I mean how far are they really from being able to do genetic manipulation and create "better" humans?  They've already discovered genes that cause super strength, super recovery, and stuff that makes one person able to withstand or do more than another. 

And you guys really have to see my kid to believe it.  Seriously by the growth chart he's the size of the average 6 year old.  I just need to get him a set of wieghts, and he can lift the couch up for me when I vaccuum!

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