
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Holmes on homes HGTV for poor people

So I just finished writing the Holmes on Homes website.  I love watching the show, and I admire and respect everything that guy does for his Canadian homeowners.  Why can't we have something like that in America?
Anyways, here is my one gripe, and granted it should no way reflect on how much I LOVE what they do for people.  Perhaps I'm just jealous, but here it is:

Are all the people he helps in the upper class income range? (who else has 50 grand to blow on bad contractors?)

I've just recently been able to get a house loan and through my house hunting have found that here in America or at least in Muskegon county, there are  no houses in my price range that aren't going to need money pored into them.   60 k seems like it could buy a decent house, but only if your going for a tiny one in a high crime zone.   So what do people like me do?   We buy a house, hope it passes appraisal and that we can fix anything that we find once we move in.  What are my other options?  Wait and keep paying exorbitant rent for something that will never be mine...  Sure I'll never have to fix things, but then again there are major issues with the house I'm in and if they decided to kick me out to fix it, they would be well within their rights to do so.

I just wish Holmes could do some episodes to expose what people like me are stuck with too, and not just the people who have money to throw at bad contractors when they already had 300k + to throw at a home.  More power to the wealthy, they've earned it and can spend it how they want, but where do people like me fit into this, "do it right the first time" if we don't have even 59$ to throw at one piece of Sheetrock?

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