
Friday, April 1, 2011


Ok, what shall I write... I've had tons of ideas, but they flitter away as soon as a distraction comes along. 
I was going to write about how .... crap, I forgot already.
It's ok, I suck at this blogging thing anyways.  I had followers for a while, then they disappeared. I have a feeling it was a bad link in some search engine and they were all accidental views.  Sad but true. 
I imagine this blogging works better for people who have something universally entertaining to say, and actually have time to put it online.  There's not much universal for me to say.   Not in a way that makes it worth reading, because there are people out there who can say it better, funnier, smarter then I can. 

Kinda like... poop stinks.  There, now it's universal, but not interesting, cause you all know that.  I've heard of poop not stinking because of some weird enzyme in the bowels, but I'm not going to research it just to have something worth saying.  
I think I've given up on my short stories again for a while.  I could write about recycling.  It's actually what I do for a living, and apparently there are a LOT of people that have no idea how it works.  Maybe I'll try that next time.   For now I'll just say,  call your local recycling plant before you decide to throw something in there that might not be accepted.  Sure they'll throw it away for you if it isn't (arrrg!), but they may just be able to tell you where you CAN recycle it.  And some stuff is actually dangerous to they employees.  Old used needles shoved into a milk jug should NEVER be sent to a recycling plant.  Mecury thermometers either!  And for goodness sakes, if it is filthy dirty and covered in yuck, I don't want to touch it (don't make me!).
Eh, no one will read this anyways... I'm going to go pout while my kid kills overlord for the tenth time in the last ten minutes.

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