So everything is going good finally. I thank God for the blessings I have, and hope they keep comming. On that note, I have a bad ear infection which requires these massive ammoxicillin horse pills, and I can't hear out my left ear at all. Once that goes away I have an appointment with a surgeon on tuesday for some breast lumps. When I went into my doctor for my ear infection I finally got the nerve up to ask what was going on and why I had to see a surgeon.
He says that the clusters they found on the mammogram are almost never cancer in someone my age, but that they have to check to make sure. I was all prepared to have it lopped off like a large mole. My body is probably just mad about all the abuse I put it through, so it decided to remind me that I don't have complete control over it. I mean, I really didn't use these BooBa's to their full capacity, and maybe they just want to remind me who the boss really is. Boobs. Cause everyone loves some boobs.
Whether it be the old man on the park bench.. the girl admiring herself in the mirror, or the baby mouth agape waiting for that sweet sweet milk, everyone loves some BooBas.
So I guess it is time to start appreciating what my body does for me, instead of just using it until it falls apart. Time to show off some knockers! (cause the paranoid scared part of me still thinks I might loose one of the super twins.)