
Thursday, November 5, 2009


I'll have to write it later, I don't have enough time.

Invisible alien pops into 'john smith's' life, tells john the aliens are going to come collect thier harvest soon.

John and alien talk about it, Aliens are really growing us for food here, and our genetic code isn't ripe until it's been thouroughly diversified. Most conusuers want the brain, and there has to be a certain amount of intelligence otherwise the brains can be sour or poisonous.

Alien wants to help John, make him a pet, and his whole litter if need be so that he doesn't get harvested.

hidden reason Alien wants to help John is because he's like the Alien version of PETA, and Animal Rights Activist.

Alien shows him his home, where Johns room will be, tells him how well he'll live, John wants to tell everyone and save them, but alien goes Invisible any time someone looks, Alien decides he's gonna have to kidnap a human for plan to work.

Blah blah blah, plot plot plot.,

Alien see's how we treat our animal species, see's how the two sides fight, See's a list of how many species we've wiped out, War and love, all that crap. He leaves with a puppy instead, and tells his animal rights group that the humans didn't want help.

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