#the scores aren't working.
#still trying to figure that out
#and then I'll try to make it into a class, instead of a function
#need to add better instructions
#hold down your a,b,c answer to see what the computer
#thinks of your answer.
import sys
import pygame
from pygame.locals import*
import math
from random import randint, choice
from math import*
from sys import exit
one_results = {'a': 'so boringly normal.', 'b': 'At least you have an epi-pen. Right?',
'c': 'Yea, I step on bees all the time.', 'd': 'Raid? Hell no, we got napalm.',
'e': 'Sure, yell at it as it dies.', 'f': 'What makes you say that?',
'g': 'Seriously? It is just a bee.'}
two_results = {'a': 'Kicking is fun. Alch-y.', 'b': 'Maybe if you yell explatives she will notice.',
'c': 'Eh, you can get booze somewhere else.', 'd': 'throwing pine-sol at her might actually work.',
'e': 'well maybe she can hear you, but the Captain Morgans is not going to fetch itself!',
'f': 'but louder right?', 'g': 'That is illegal in 30 states.'}
three_results = {'a': 'again with the normal boring stuff!', 'b': 'At least you did not cry... did you?',
'c': 'I aknowlege your suffering.', 'd': 'Fart in a can is the best for use in closed spaces. Kids love it.',
'e': 'Did I mention the kids parent is extremely hot?', 'f': 'It was really good coffee after all.',
'g': 'Uh-huh, and how long have you had these reactions?'}
four_results = {'a': 'It might work, but to what end?', 'b': 'It stuns them into silence. Good job!',
'c': 'If they follow you, does the tree still fall in the woods?', 'd': 'Bleach... It might just burn thier throte enough...',
'e': 'There is no try, only do!', 'f': 'Fine, I will kick them for you.', 'g': 'How are you going to get that into thier mouth?'}
five_results = {'a': 'normal is as normal does.', 'b': 'What because it might be something comming to get you?', 'c': 'My faucet leaks too.',
'd': 'I love the smell of Lysol in the morning!', 'e': 'That does seem like a logical solution.',
'f': 'Anything in particular, or the first thing that comes near?', 'g': 'Pretty sure you are not supposed to stick those in your ears.'}
six_results = {'a': 'Owww, oww owwy!', 'b': 'Sure, now you are a suspect.', 'c': 'Ninny ninny two by two, nothing left for you to do.',
'd': 'Satan loves germs!', 'e': 'Oh, ok, but I really think you should explore this.', 'f': 'Are there three more churches near by?',
'g': 'Hardly, the thing weighs 800 lbs!'}
seven_results = {'a': 'that seems inappropriate.', 'b': 'I think that is probably appropriate, next to wondering WTF.', 'c': 'LSD normal, or everyday normal?',
'd': 'Might as well, reality is not working for you.', 'e': 'Louder then the growling Ninny-eater sitting over you?',
'f': 'Yup, let me just write that down.', 'g': 'Cotton candy does sound delicious.'}
eight_results = {'a': 'Gas pedal or brake?', 'b': 'At least if you startle them, they might move.', 'c': 'or drive away...ninny',
'd': 'Because they are sweaty gross bicyclist?', 'e': 'In a court of law, "I did not see them" will not fly.',
'f': 'Honk, honk, honk.', 'g': 'So you are saying that you are not angry?'}
nine_results = {'a': 'Do not worry, I will not write that down...(writing quickly)', 'b': 'So more like panic, or dread?', 'c': 'Sure, it all makes sense now.',
'd': 'Well as long they do not want you to drink it.', 'e': 'If it works, let me know.', 'f': 'Do the voices know what 51-50 means?',
'g': 'That is very interesting. (run.... run now.)'}
ten_results = {'a': 'Make sure you wash your shoe afterward.', 'b': 'Bless you might have been better.', 'c': 'Good idea. Spread the plague to everyone.',
'd': 'Splendid response.', 'e': 'You like that word?', 'f': 'Because blood is awesome.', 'g': 'It is for the good of all mankind.'}
eleven_results = {'a': 'Sure, kicking is always my first reaction.', 'b': 'Did I mention the individual is mute?',
'c': 'Probably best. Ninny.', 'd': 'Especially if they touch you.',
'e': 'It is ok not to answer.(ninny)', 'f': 'how about we just touch some lamposts and go watch monk?',
'g': 'Is it legal for you to have that?'} #even responses.
twelve_results = {'a': 'eh, good thing I did not make it longer.', 'b': 'Results are gauranteed to be unprofessional, uneducated guesses. Ninny.',
'c': 'Been on that couch a lot have you?', 'd': 'Please refrain from huffing until test is complete.', 'e': 'Ok, ok, I heard you.',
'f': 'awww, it was not that bad.', 'g': 'I give, here are your results.'} # odd responses.
even_choices = {'a': 'kick something/someone',
'b': 'yell Shut the F--k up',
'c': 'walk away',
'd': 'always disinfect. Or run to nearest medical facility.',
'e': 'no',
'f': 'maybe if we do it 3 more times.',
'g': 'other'}
H = 800
W = 800
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((H, W))
s_font = pygame.font.Font(None, 24)
font = pygame.font.Font(None, 32)
L_font = pygame.font.Font(None, 64)
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
BLUE = (45, 0, 200)
GREEN = (0, 200, 45)
PURPLE = (200, 95, 255)
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
RED = (255, 0, 20)
WHITE = (240, 240, 255)
WHITE1 = (200, 240, 255)
choicea = font.render("a = low anger", False, GREEN)
choiceb = font.render("b = anxiety", False, GREEN)
choicec = font.render("c = nothing, this is normal", False, GREEN)
choiced = font.render("d = There is a can of gas that needs some using", False, GREEN)
choicee = font.render("e = Be louder, that always works", False, GREEN)
choicef = font.render("f = just kill", False, GREEN)
choiceg = font.render("g = other", False, GREEN)
choicea2 = font.render("a = kick something/someone", False, GREEN)
choiceb2 = font.render("b = yell Shut the F--k up", False, GREEN)
choicec2 = font.render("c = walk away", False, GREEN)
choiced2 = font.render("d = always disinfect. Or run to nearest medical facility.", False, GREEN)
choicee2 = font.render("e = 'no'", False, GREEN)
choicef2 = font.render("f = maybe if we do it 3 more times.",False, GREEN)
choiceg2 = font.render("g = 'other'", False, GREEN)
def display_box():
scorea = 0
scoreb = 0
scorec = 0
scored = 0
scoree = 0
scoref = 0
scoreg = 0
scoreh = 0
pygame.draw.rect(screen, (200, 195, 100), (20, 20, 760, 760))
pygame.draw.rect(screen, (BLUE), (30, 30, 740, 740), 10)
intro = font.render("For instructions, press Space bar", False, BLUE)
title1 = font.render("For entertainment only", False, GREEN)
title2 = L_font.render("Personality", False, BLUE)
title3 = L_font.render("Test", False, BLUE)
title4 = s_font.render("illegitimate results will vary.",False, BLACK)
author = font.render("Nellie Tobey, 2014", False, BLACK)
instructionNext =font.render("to move on, push enter", False, BLUE)
screen.blit(intro, (40, 40))
screen.blit(title1, (60, 60))
screen.blit(title2, (290, 300))
screen.blit(title3, (340, 340))
screen.blit(title4, (290, 380))
screen.blit(author, (40, 640))
done = False
next = 0
next_next = 0
x = 1
question_list = [" 1. You have stepped on a bee, and it died stinging you.",
" 2. An elderly lady is blocking the way at the liquor store",
" 3. A strangers child has knocked over your morning coffee.",
" 4. Someone is trying to dramatically tell you a story.",
" 5. A clicking noise is getting louder as you try to rest.",
" 6. Someone has defiled a church and placed thier cross upside down.",
" 7. You have awakened in a field of cotton candy neon blossoms.",
" 8. The bicyclist in front of you refuses to get off the road even as you honk.",
" 9. The voices say what?",
" 10. A woman has sneezed and blood splatters on the floor in front of you.",
" 11. A mysterious and dangerous looking individual is approaching you rapidly.",
" 12. Are you tierd of questions?"]
Results = font.render("Your scores. If you score higher then 20 any one catagorie..", False, BLACK)
Results2 = font.render("... wow. And quit cheating my game!", False, BLACK)
ResultsA = font.render( "Anger index = %r" % scorea, False, BLUE)
ResultsB = font.render("Passive aggressive 'or just an angry asshole' index = %r" % scoreb, False, BLUE)
ResultsC = font.render( "Normal, normal Ninny = %r" % scorec, False, BLUE)
ResultsD = font.render( "Issues? Nothing prozac can't fix = %r" % scored, False, BLUE)
ResultsE = font.render("Get your ears checked and/or Narcasism = %r" % scoree, False, BLUE)
ResultsF = font.render( "OCD or Friggen nuts = %r" % scoref, False, BLUE)
ResultsG = font.render("Indecisive and/or Friggen Nuts = %r" % scoreg, False, BLUE)
ResultsH = font.render( "Bat shit. = %r" % scoreh, False, BLUE)
while done==False:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
done = True
if next ==0:
screen.blit(intro, (40, 40))
screen.blit(title1, (60, 60))
screen.blit(title2, (290, 300))
screen.blit(title3, (340, 340))
screen.blit(author, (40, 640))
keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
if (keys[K_SPACE]) and next == 0:
next = +1
if next == 1:
text = L_font.render("INSTRUCTIONS", False, (0, 35, 0))
text_1 = font.render("push ENTER to begin your test!", False, (BLACK))
pygame.draw.rect(screen, (200, 255, 255), (20, 20, 760, 760))
screen.blit(text, (W/2 - 170, H/2 - 200))
screen.blit(text_1, (W/2 - 100, H/2 - 150))
if (keys[K_RETURN]) and next ==1:
next = 2
elif next == 2:
pygame.draw.rect(screen, (BLUE), (30, 30, 740, 740), 10)
question1 = font.render(question_list[0], False, RED)
screen.blit(question1, (100, 50))
screen.blit(choicea, (100, 120))
screen.blit(choiceb, (100, 140))
screen.blit(choicec, (100, 160))
screen.blit(choiced, (100, 180))
screen.blit(choicee, (100, 200))
screen.blit(choicef, (100, 220))
screen.blit(choiceg, (100, 240))
instruction = font.render("choose your first response and press SPACE.", False, BLACK)
screen.blit(instruction, (100, 300))
answer = ""
if (keys[K_a]):
answer = one_results['a']
scorea = +1
if (keys[K_b]):
answer = one_results['b']
if (keys[K_c]):
answer = one_results['c']
if (keys[K_d]):
answer = one_results['d']
if (keys[K_e]):
answer = one_results['e']
if (keys[K_f]):
answer = one_results['f']
if (keys[K_g]):
answer = one_results['g']
choices1 = font.render(answer, False, RED)
screen.blit(choices1, (100, 390))
if (keys[K_SPACE]) and (next ==2):
next = 3
elif next == 3:
pygame.draw.rect(screen, (BLACK), (30, 30, 740, 740), 10)
question2 = font.render(question_list[1], False, RED)
screen.blit(question2, (20, 50))
screen.blit(choicea2, (100, 120))
screen.blit(choiceb2, (100, 140))
screen.blit(choicec2, (100, 160))
screen.blit(choiced2, (100, 180))
screen.blit(choicee2, (100, 200))
screen.blit(choicef2, (100, 220))
screen.blit(choiceg2, (100, 240))
instruction = font.render("choose your first response and press ENTER.", False, BLACK)
screen.blit(instruction, (100, 300))
answer = ""
if (keys[K_a]):
answer = two_results['a']
if (keys[K_b]):
answer = two_results['b']
if (keys[K_c]):
answer = two_results['c']
if (keys[K_d]):
answer = two_results['d']
if (keys[K_e]):
answer = two_results['e']
if (keys[K_f]):
answer = two_results['f']
if (keys[K_g]):
answer = two_results['g']
choices1 = font.render(answer, False, RED)
screen.blit(choices1, (100, 390))
if (keys[K_RETURN]) and next ==3:
next = 4
elif next == 4:
pygame.draw.rect(screen, (BLUE), (30, 30, 740, 740), 10)
question3 = font.render(question_list[2], False, RED)
screen.blit(question3, (20, 50))
screen.blit(choicea, (100, 120))
screen.blit(choiceb, (100, 140))
screen.blit(choicec, (100, 160))
screen.blit(choiced, (100, 180))
screen.blit(choicee, (100, 200))
screen.blit(choicef, (100, 220))
screen.blit(choiceg, (100, 240))
instruction = font.render("choose your first response and press SPACE.", False, BLACK)
screen.blit(instruction, (100, 300))
answer = ""
if (keys[K_a]):
answer = three_results['a']
if (keys[K_b]):
answer = three_results['b']
if (keys[K_c]):
answer = three_results['c']
if (keys[K_d]):
answer = three_results['d']
if (keys[K_e]):
answer = three_results['e']
if (keys[K_f]):
answer = three_results['f']
if (keys[K_g]):
answer = three_results['g']
choices1 = font.render(answer, False, RED)
screen.blit(choices1, (100, 390))
if (keys[K_SPACE]) and next ==4:
next = 5
elif next == 5:
pygame.draw.rect(screen, (BLUE), (30, 30, 740, 740), 10)
question4 = font.render(question_list[3], False, RED)
screen.blit(question4, (20, 50))
screen.blit(choicea2, (100, 120))
screen.blit(choiceb2, (100, 140))
screen.blit(choicec2, (100, 160))
screen.blit(choiced2, (100, 180))
screen.blit(choicee2, (100, 200))
screen.blit(choicef2, (100, 220))
screen.blit(choiceg2, (100, 240))
instruction = font.render("choose your first response and press ENTER.", False, BLACK)
screen.blit(instruction, (100, 300))
answer = ""
if (keys[K_a]):
answer = four_results['a']
if (keys[K_b]):
answer = four_results['b']
if (keys[K_c]):
answer = four_results['c']
if (keys[K_d]):
answer = four_results['d']
if (keys[K_e]):
answer = four_results['e']
if (keys[K_f]):
answer = four_results['f']
if (keys[K_g]):
answer = four_results['g']
choices1 = font.render(answer, False, RED)
screen.blit(choices1, (100, 390))
if (keys[K_RETURN]) and next ==5:
next = 6
elif next == 6:
pygame.draw.rect(screen, (BLUE), (30, 30, 740, 740), 10)
question5 = font.render(question_list[4], False, RED)
screen.blit(question5, (20, 50))
screen.blit(choicea, (100, 120))
screen.blit(choiceb, (100, 140))
screen.blit(choicec, (100, 160))
screen.blit(choiced, (100, 180))
screen.blit(choicee, (100, 200))
screen.blit(choicef, (100, 220))
screen.blit(choiceg, (100, 240))
instruction = font.render("choose your first response and press SPACE.", False, BLACK)
screen.blit(instruction, (100, 300))
answer = ""
if (keys[K_a]):
answer = five_results['a']
if (keys[K_b]):
answer = five_results['b']
if (keys[K_c]):
answer = five_results['c']
if (keys[K_d]):
answer = five_results['d']
if (keys[K_e]):
answer = five_results['e']
if (keys[K_f]):
answer = five_results['f']
if (keys[K_g]):
answer = five_results['g']
choices1 = font.render(answer, False, RED)
screen.blit(choices1, (100, 390))
if (keys[K_SPACE]) and next ==6:
next = 7
elif next == 7:
pygame.draw.rect(screen, (BLUE), (30, 30, 740, 740), 10)
question6 = font.render(question_list[5], False, RED)
screen.blit(question6, (20, 50))
screen.blit(choicea2, (100, 120))
screen.blit(choiceb2, (100, 140))
screen.blit(choicec2, (100, 160))
screen.blit(choiced2, (100, 180))
screen.blit(choicee2, (100, 200))
screen.blit(choicef2, (100, 220))
screen.blit(choiceg2, (100, 240))
instruction = font.render("choose your first response and press ENTER.", False, BLACK)
screen.blit(instruction, (100, 300))
answer = ""
if (keys[K_a]):
answer = six_results['a']
if (keys[K_b]):
answer = six_results['b']
if (keys[K_c]):
answer = six_results['c']
if (keys[K_d]):
answer =six_results['d']
if (keys[K_e]):
answer = six_results['e']
if (keys[K_f]):
answer = six_results['f']
if (keys[K_g]):
answer = six_results['g']
choices1 = font.render(answer, False, RED)
screen.blit(choices1, (100, 390))
if (keys[K_RETURN]) and next ==7:
next = 8
elif next == 8:
pygame.draw.rect(screen, (BLUE), (30, 30, 740, 740), 10)
color = font.render("Did the screen change color?", False, GREEN)
screen.blit(color, ( 135, 200 ))
colorblind = font.render("y for yes, n for no", False, GREEN)
screen.blit(colorblind, (135, 240))
instruction = font.render("choose your first response and press SPACE.", False, BLACK)
screen.blit(instruction, (100, 300))
answer = ""
if (keys[K_y]):
answer = "you can answer something honestly!"
choices1 = font.render(answer, False, RED)
screen.blit(choices1, (100, 390))
if (keys[K_n]):
answer = "This is no fun if you aren't paying attention."
choices2 = font.render(answer, False, RED)
screen.blit(choices2, (100, 390))
scorea = +10
scoreb = +10
scorec = +1
scored = +5
scoree = +10
scoref = +2
scoreg = +5
scoreh = +1
if (keys[K_SPACE]) and next ==8:
next = 9
elif next == 9:
pygame.draw.rect(screen, (BLUE), (30, 30, 740, 740), 10)
screen.blit(Results, (100, 180))
screen.blit(Results2, (100, 210))
screen.blit(ResultsA, (120, 230))
screen.blit(ResultsB, (120, 250))
screen.blit(ResultsC, (120, 270))
screen.blit(ResultsD, (120, 290))
screen.blit(ResultsE, (120, 310))
screen.blit(ResultsF, (120, 330))
screen.blit(ResultsG, (120, 350))
screen.blit(ResultsH, (120, 370))
#still trying to figure that out
#and then I'll try to make it into a class, instead of a function
#need to add better instructions
#hold down your a,b,c answer to see what the computer
#thinks of your answer.
import sys
import pygame
from pygame.locals import*
import math
from random import randint, choice
from math import*
from sys import exit
one_results = {'a': 'so boringly normal.', 'b': 'At least you have an epi-pen. Right?',
'c': 'Yea, I step on bees all the time.', 'd': 'Raid? Hell no, we got napalm.',
'e': 'Sure, yell at it as it dies.', 'f': 'What makes you say that?',
'g': 'Seriously? It is just a bee.'}
two_results = {'a': 'Kicking is fun. Alch-y.', 'b': 'Maybe if you yell explatives she will notice.',
'c': 'Eh, you can get booze somewhere else.', 'd': 'throwing pine-sol at her might actually work.',
'e': 'well maybe she can hear you, but the Captain Morgans is not going to fetch itself!',
'f': 'but louder right?', 'g': 'That is illegal in 30 states.'}
three_results = {'a': 'again with the normal boring stuff!', 'b': 'At least you did not cry... did you?',
'c': 'I aknowlege your suffering.', 'd': 'Fart in a can is the best for use in closed spaces. Kids love it.',
'e': 'Did I mention the kids parent is extremely hot?', 'f': 'It was really good coffee after all.',
'g': 'Uh-huh, and how long have you had these reactions?'}
four_results = {'a': 'It might work, but to what end?', 'b': 'It stuns them into silence. Good job!',
'c': 'If they follow you, does the tree still fall in the woods?', 'd': 'Bleach... It might just burn thier throte enough...',
'e': 'There is no try, only do!', 'f': 'Fine, I will kick them for you.', 'g': 'How are you going to get that into thier mouth?'}
five_results = {'a': 'normal is as normal does.', 'b': 'What because it might be something comming to get you?', 'c': 'My faucet leaks too.',
'd': 'I love the smell of Lysol in the morning!', 'e': 'That does seem like a logical solution.',
'f': 'Anything in particular, or the first thing that comes near?', 'g': 'Pretty sure you are not supposed to stick those in your ears.'}
six_results = {'a': 'Owww, oww owwy!', 'b': 'Sure, now you are a suspect.', 'c': 'Ninny ninny two by two, nothing left for you to do.',
'd': 'Satan loves germs!', 'e': 'Oh, ok, but I really think you should explore this.', 'f': 'Are there three more churches near by?',
'g': 'Hardly, the thing weighs 800 lbs!'}
seven_results = {'a': 'that seems inappropriate.', 'b': 'I think that is probably appropriate, next to wondering WTF.', 'c': 'LSD normal, or everyday normal?',
'd': 'Might as well, reality is not working for you.', 'e': 'Louder then the growling Ninny-eater sitting over you?',
'f': 'Yup, let me just write that down.', 'g': 'Cotton candy does sound delicious.'}
eight_results = {'a': 'Gas pedal or brake?', 'b': 'At least if you startle them, they might move.', 'c': 'or drive away...ninny',
'd': 'Because they are sweaty gross bicyclist?', 'e': 'In a court of law, "I did not see them" will not fly.',
'f': 'Honk, honk, honk.', 'g': 'So you are saying that you are not angry?'}
nine_results = {'a': 'Do not worry, I will not write that down...(writing quickly)', 'b': 'So more like panic, or dread?', 'c': 'Sure, it all makes sense now.',
'd': 'Well as long they do not want you to drink it.', 'e': 'If it works, let me know.', 'f': 'Do the voices know what 51-50 means?',
'g': 'That is very interesting. (run.... run now.)'}
ten_results = {'a': 'Make sure you wash your shoe afterward.', 'b': 'Bless you might have been better.', 'c': 'Good idea. Spread the plague to everyone.',
'd': 'Splendid response.', 'e': 'You like that word?', 'f': 'Because blood is awesome.', 'g': 'It is for the good of all mankind.'}
eleven_results = {'a': 'Sure, kicking is always my first reaction.', 'b': 'Did I mention the individual is mute?',
'c': 'Probably best. Ninny.', 'd': 'Especially if they touch you.',
'e': 'It is ok not to answer.(ninny)', 'f': 'how about we just touch some lamposts and go watch monk?',
'g': 'Is it legal for you to have that?'} #even responses.
twelve_results = {'a': 'eh, good thing I did not make it longer.', 'b': 'Results are gauranteed to be unprofessional, uneducated guesses. Ninny.',
'c': 'Been on that couch a lot have you?', 'd': 'Please refrain from huffing until test is complete.', 'e': 'Ok, ok, I heard you.',
'f': 'awww, it was not that bad.', 'g': 'I give, here are your results.'} # odd responses.
even_choices = {'a': 'kick something/someone',
'b': 'yell Shut the F--k up',
'c': 'walk away',
'd': 'always disinfect. Or run to nearest medical facility.',
'e': 'no',
'f': 'maybe if we do it 3 more times.',
'g': 'other'}
H = 800
W = 800
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((H, W))
s_font = pygame.font.Font(None, 24)
font = pygame.font.Font(None, 32)
L_font = pygame.font.Font(None, 64)
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
BLUE = (45, 0, 200)
GREEN = (0, 200, 45)
PURPLE = (200, 95, 255)
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
RED = (255, 0, 20)
WHITE = (240, 240, 255)
WHITE1 = (200, 240, 255)
choicea = font.render("a = low anger", False, GREEN)
choiceb = font.render("b = anxiety", False, GREEN)
choicec = font.render("c = nothing, this is normal", False, GREEN)
choiced = font.render("d = There is a can of gas that needs some using", False, GREEN)
choicee = font.render("e = Be louder, that always works", False, GREEN)
choicef = font.render("f = just kill", False, GREEN)
choiceg = font.render("g = other", False, GREEN)
choicea2 = font.render("a = kick something/someone", False, GREEN)
choiceb2 = font.render("b = yell Shut the F--k up", False, GREEN)
choicec2 = font.render("c = walk away", False, GREEN)
choiced2 = font.render("d = always disinfect. Or run to nearest medical facility.", False, GREEN)
choicee2 = font.render("e = 'no'", False, GREEN)
choicef2 = font.render("f = maybe if we do it 3 more times.",False, GREEN)
choiceg2 = font.render("g = 'other'", False, GREEN)
def display_box():
scorea = 0
scoreb = 0
scorec = 0
scored = 0
scoree = 0
scoref = 0
scoreg = 0
scoreh = 0
pygame.draw.rect(screen, (200, 195, 100), (20, 20, 760, 760))
pygame.draw.rect(screen, (BLUE), (30, 30, 740, 740), 10)
intro = font.render("For instructions, press Space bar", False, BLUE)
title1 = font.render("For entertainment only", False, GREEN)
title2 = L_font.render("Personality", False, BLUE)
title3 = L_font.render("Test", False, BLUE)
title4 = s_font.render("illegitimate results will vary.",False, BLACK)
author = font.render("Nellie Tobey, 2014", False, BLACK)
instructionNext =font.render("to move on, push enter", False, BLUE)
screen.blit(intro, (40, 40))
screen.blit(title1, (60, 60))
screen.blit(title2, (290, 300))
screen.blit(title3, (340, 340))
screen.blit(title4, (290, 380))
screen.blit(author, (40, 640))
done = False
next = 0
next_next = 0
x = 1
question_list = [" 1. You have stepped on a bee, and it died stinging you.",
" 2. An elderly lady is blocking the way at the liquor store",
" 3. A strangers child has knocked over your morning coffee.",
" 4. Someone is trying to dramatically tell you a story.",
" 5. A clicking noise is getting louder as you try to rest.",
" 6. Someone has defiled a church and placed thier cross upside down.",
" 7. You have awakened in a field of cotton candy neon blossoms.",
" 8. The bicyclist in front of you refuses to get off the road even as you honk.",
" 9. The voices say what?",
" 10. A woman has sneezed and blood splatters on the floor in front of you.",
" 11. A mysterious and dangerous looking individual is approaching you rapidly.",
" 12. Are you tierd of questions?"]
Results = font.render("Your scores. If you score higher then 20 any one catagorie..", False, BLACK)
Results2 = font.render("... wow. And quit cheating my game!", False, BLACK)
ResultsA = font.render( "Anger index = %r" % scorea, False, BLUE)
ResultsB = font.render("Passive aggressive 'or just an angry asshole' index = %r" % scoreb, False, BLUE)
ResultsC = font.render( "Normal, normal Ninny = %r" % scorec, False, BLUE)
ResultsD = font.render( "Issues? Nothing prozac can't fix = %r" % scored, False, BLUE)
ResultsE = font.render("Get your ears checked and/or Narcasism = %r" % scoree, False, BLUE)
ResultsF = font.render( "OCD or Friggen nuts = %r" % scoref, False, BLUE)
ResultsG = font.render("Indecisive and/or Friggen Nuts = %r" % scoreg, False, BLUE)
ResultsH = font.render( "Bat shit. = %r" % scoreh, False, BLUE)
while done==False:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
done = True
if next ==0:
screen.blit(intro, (40, 40))
screen.blit(title1, (60, 60))
screen.blit(title2, (290, 300))
screen.blit(title3, (340, 340))
screen.blit(author, (40, 640))
keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
if (keys[K_SPACE]) and next == 0:
next = +1
if next == 1:
text = L_font.render("INSTRUCTIONS", False, (0, 35, 0))
text_1 = font.render("push ENTER to begin your test!", False, (BLACK))
pygame.draw.rect(screen, (200, 255, 255), (20, 20, 760, 760))
screen.blit(text, (W/2 - 170, H/2 - 200))
screen.blit(text_1, (W/2 - 100, H/2 - 150))
if (keys[K_RETURN]) and next ==1:
next = 2
elif next == 2:
pygame.draw.rect(screen, (BLUE), (30, 30, 740, 740), 10)
question1 = font.render(question_list[0], False, RED)
screen.blit(question1, (100, 50))
screen.blit(choicea, (100, 120))
screen.blit(choiceb, (100, 140))
screen.blit(choicec, (100, 160))
screen.blit(choiced, (100, 180))
screen.blit(choicee, (100, 200))
screen.blit(choicef, (100, 220))
screen.blit(choiceg, (100, 240))
instruction = font.render("choose your first response and press SPACE.", False, BLACK)
screen.blit(instruction, (100, 300))
answer = ""
if (keys[K_a]):
answer = one_results['a']
scorea = +1
if (keys[K_b]):
answer = one_results['b']
if (keys[K_c]):
answer = one_results['c']
if (keys[K_d]):
answer = one_results['d']
if (keys[K_e]):
answer = one_results['e']
if (keys[K_f]):
answer = one_results['f']
if (keys[K_g]):
answer = one_results['g']
choices1 = font.render(answer, False, RED)
screen.blit(choices1, (100, 390))
if (keys[K_SPACE]) and (next ==2):
next = 3
elif next == 3:
pygame.draw.rect(screen, (BLACK), (30, 30, 740, 740), 10)
question2 = font.render(question_list[1], False, RED)
screen.blit(question2, (20, 50))
screen.blit(choicea2, (100, 120))
screen.blit(choiceb2, (100, 140))
screen.blit(choicec2, (100, 160))
screen.blit(choiced2, (100, 180))
screen.blit(choicee2, (100, 200))
screen.blit(choicef2, (100, 220))
screen.blit(choiceg2, (100, 240))
instruction = font.render("choose your first response and press ENTER.", False, BLACK)
screen.blit(instruction, (100, 300))
answer = ""
if (keys[K_a]):
answer = two_results['a']
if (keys[K_b]):
answer = two_results['b']
if (keys[K_c]):
answer = two_results['c']
if (keys[K_d]):
answer = two_results['d']
if (keys[K_e]):
answer = two_results['e']
if (keys[K_f]):
answer = two_results['f']
if (keys[K_g]):
answer = two_results['g']
choices1 = font.render(answer, False, RED)
screen.blit(choices1, (100, 390))
if (keys[K_RETURN]) and next ==3:
next = 4
elif next == 4:
pygame.draw.rect(screen, (BLUE), (30, 30, 740, 740), 10)
question3 = font.render(question_list[2], False, RED)
screen.blit(question3, (20, 50))
screen.blit(choicea, (100, 120))
screen.blit(choiceb, (100, 140))
screen.blit(choicec, (100, 160))
screen.blit(choiced, (100, 180))
screen.blit(choicee, (100, 200))
screen.blit(choicef, (100, 220))
screen.blit(choiceg, (100, 240))
instruction = font.render("choose your first response and press SPACE.", False, BLACK)
screen.blit(instruction, (100, 300))
answer = ""
if (keys[K_a]):
answer = three_results['a']
if (keys[K_b]):
answer = three_results['b']
if (keys[K_c]):
answer = three_results['c']
if (keys[K_d]):
answer = three_results['d']
if (keys[K_e]):
answer = three_results['e']
if (keys[K_f]):
answer = three_results['f']
if (keys[K_g]):
answer = three_results['g']
choices1 = font.render(answer, False, RED)
screen.blit(choices1, (100, 390))
if (keys[K_SPACE]) and next ==4:
next = 5
elif next == 5:
pygame.draw.rect(screen, (BLUE), (30, 30, 740, 740), 10)
question4 = font.render(question_list[3], False, RED)
screen.blit(question4, (20, 50))
screen.blit(choicea2, (100, 120))
screen.blit(choiceb2, (100, 140))
screen.blit(choicec2, (100, 160))
screen.blit(choiced2, (100, 180))
screen.blit(choicee2, (100, 200))
screen.blit(choicef2, (100, 220))
screen.blit(choiceg2, (100, 240))
instruction = font.render("choose your first response and press ENTER.", False, BLACK)
screen.blit(instruction, (100, 300))
answer = ""
if (keys[K_a]):
answer = four_results['a']
if (keys[K_b]):
answer = four_results['b']
if (keys[K_c]):
answer = four_results['c']
if (keys[K_d]):
answer = four_results['d']
if (keys[K_e]):
answer = four_results['e']
if (keys[K_f]):
answer = four_results['f']
if (keys[K_g]):
answer = four_results['g']
choices1 = font.render(answer, False, RED)
screen.blit(choices1, (100, 390))
if (keys[K_RETURN]) and next ==5:
next = 6
elif next == 6:
pygame.draw.rect(screen, (BLUE), (30, 30, 740, 740), 10)
question5 = font.render(question_list[4], False, RED)
screen.blit(question5, (20, 50))
screen.blit(choicea, (100, 120))
screen.blit(choiceb, (100, 140))
screen.blit(choicec, (100, 160))
screen.blit(choiced, (100, 180))
screen.blit(choicee, (100, 200))
screen.blit(choicef, (100, 220))
screen.blit(choiceg, (100, 240))
instruction = font.render("choose your first response and press SPACE.", False, BLACK)
screen.blit(instruction, (100, 300))
answer = ""
if (keys[K_a]):
answer = five_results['a']
if (keys[K_b]):
answer = five_results['b']
if (keys[K_c]):
answer = five_results['c']
if (keys[K_d]):
answer = five_results['d']
if (keys[K_e]):
answer = five_results['e']
if (keys[K_f]):
answer = five_results['f']
if (keys[K_g]):
answer = five_results['g']
choices1 = font.render(answer, False, RED)
screen.blit(choices1, (100, 390))
if (keys[K_SPACE]) and next ==6:
next = 7
elif next == 7:
pygame.draw.rect(screen, (BLUE), (30, 30, 740, 740), 10)
question6 = font.render(question_list[5], False, RED)
screen.blit(question6, (20, 50))
screen.blit(choicea2, (100, 120))
screen.blit(choiceb2, (100, 140))
screen.blit(choicec2, (100, 160))
screen.blit(choiced2, (100, 180))
screen.blit(choicee2, (100, 200))
screen.blit(choicef2, (100, 220))
screen.blit(choiceg2, (100, 240))
instruction = font.render("choose your first response and press ENTER.", False, BLACK)
screen.blit(instruction, (100, 300))
answer = ""
if (keys[K_a]):
answer = six_results['a']
if (keys[K_b]):
answer = six_results['b']
if (keys[K_c]):
answer = six_results['c']
if (keys[K_d]):
answer =six_results['d']
if (keys[K_e]):
answer = six_results['e']
if (keys[K_f]):
answer = six_results['f']
if (keys[K_g]):
answer = six_results['g']
choices1 = font.render(answer, False, RED)
screen.blit(choices1, (100, 390))
if (keys[K_RETURN]) and next ==7:
next = 8
elif next == 8:
pygame.draw.rect(screen, (BLUE), (30, 30, 740, 740), 10)
color = font.render("Did the screen change color?", False, GREEN)
screen.blit(color, ( 135, 200 ))
colorblind = font.render("y for yes, n for no", False, GREEN)
screen.blit(colorblind, (135, 240))
instruction = font.render("choose your first response and press SPACE.", False, BLACK)
screen.blit(instruction, (100, 300))
answer = ""
if (keys[K_y]):
answer = "you can answer something honestly!"
choices1 = font.render(answer, False, RED)
screen.blit(choices1, (100, 390))
if (keys[K_n]):
answer = "This is no fun if you aren't paying attention."
choices2 = font.render(answer, False, RED)
screen.blit(choices2, (100, 390))
scorea = +10
scoreb = +10
scorec = +1
scored = +5
scoree = +10
scoref = +2
scoreg = +5
scoreh = +1
if (keys[K_SPACE]) and next ==8:
next = 9
elif next == 9:
pygame.draw.rect(screen, (BLUE), (30, 30, 740, 740), 10)
screen.blit(Results, (100, 180))
screen.blit(Results2, (100, 210))
screen.blit(ResultsA, (120, 230))
screen.blit(ResultsB, (120, 250))
screen.blit(ResultsC, (120, 270))
screen.blit(ResultsD, (120, 290))
screen.blit(ResultsE, (120, 310))
screen.blit(ResultsF, (120, 330))
screen.blit(ResultsG, (120, 350))
screen.blit(ResultsH, (120, 370))